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“The righteous person may have many troubles, but God delivers him from them all”

God has given us two hands, one to receive with & the other to give with. Make use of both!


And walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.


The righteous person may have many troubles, but God delivers him from them all


God’s Kingdom on Earth

Missions: striving to

  • 1.Proclaim the Word of God throughout the whole world
  • 2.Unite all Christians and all faith religion
  • 3.Stop  WAR between nations permanently
  • 4.Establish peace, justice and righteousness in every individuals
  • 5.Abolish terrorism, drugs, adultery, and abortion
  • 6.Provide quality education, health, employment and financial security
  • 7.Request all world leaders to stop spending  on arms and ammunition.
  • 8.Avail home for homeless,  food for the hungry and clothing for the naked
  • 9.Conduct counseling for every individual
  • 10.Practice the principle of one world and one God, No Religion

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My Journey with Jesus

Our life on earth is a journey. But are you aware of your destiny? Are you on the right path of your journey? If you are someone who believes in Jesus Christ and had accepted Him as your personal Savior, you are moving in the right direction. You can find valuable information as you browse through the pages of this website which will be helpful in your journey with Jesus. If you are someone who doesn’t know who Jesus is, you can know Him here. Knowing Jesus is the most important event ever in your life. Do you want to know Jesus personally?